Hi I'm Om
A student at VIT Mumbai
I am currently pursuing my Bachelors of Technology in Information technology. I enjoy learning new technologies and implementing them to solve real-world problems. I can be relied upon to help your company achieve its goals by providing sustainable and scalable solutions.
My Techstack
My Projects
The Filter project is a program that applies various filters to bitmap images (BMP) using command-line arguments. The program allows the user to apply five different filters: Grayscale, Sepia, Edge Detection, Blur, and Reflection. The program can be executed using the command "./filter -(initial letter of filter) Input_image_name.bmp Output_image_name.bmp". The program validates the input filter flag and ensures that only one filter is applied at a time. It also checks if the user has entered the correct number of arguments. The program then reads the input BMP file, validates its format, and stores the image's dimensions and pixel values in memory. After that, it applies the selected filter to the image and writes the modified pixel values to the output BMP file.
Ocean Trouble
Ocean Trouble is a fun and exciting game made with Scratch. In this game, you are a scuba diver who is trying to navigate through the ocean while avoiding jellyfish. The game is simple to play and requires only the use of the arrow keys. The goal of the game is to keep the scuba diver safe by avoiding the jellyfishes that come in your path. To do this, you must move the diver up, down, left, and right using the arrow keys. You will need to be quick and nimble to avoid the jellyfish, which will move at varying speeds
Amadeus is a multi-functional discord bot created with Python and discord.py library. It was inspired by the shut down of the music bot 'rhythm' and developed by me using the knowledge gained from CS50. It has features like translation, QRcode generation, and anime search. Amadeus can send welcome messages to new members and respond to both normal messages and commands. It uses Daki bot hosting and its source code is on GitHub. The bot code is divided into different files with specific functions. The chatbot feature is limited to avoid interfering with user conversations, but I plan to make it AI-based in the future. Amadeus is a versatile bot that can enhance the discord experience for users.
This chatroom app is designed to allow users to easily connect with each other and engage in real-time conversations. It is built using Flask and Flask-SocketIO, which allows for fast and efficient communication between users. Upon launching the app, users can create a new chat room with a randomly generated code or enter an existing one by providing the code. Once inside the chat room, users can send messages to the group and view messages sent by other users in real-time. This creates an immersive and engaging environment that encourages users to actively participate in the conversation.
Birthday Tracker app
Birthday Tracker is a user-friendly Flask-based web app that simplifies birthday management. Stay organized and never forget important dates with its intuitive interface. Add, view, and manage birthdays effortlessly. Built with Flask and essential extensions, Birthday Tracker ensures seamless user experience and efficient data management. Say goodbye to birthday-related stress and celebrate life's special moments hassle-free with Birthday Tracker.
TicTacToe AI
This Python-based Tic-Tac-Toe game, developed with Pygame, offers a delightful gaming experience. Players can choose their preferred symbol, either X or O, and engage in exciting matches against an intelligent AI opponent. The game incorporates the powerful minimax algorithm, ensuring that the AI makes optimal moves to challenge the player.